Project MELD
We think wrong. We do not put our amazing brains to their best use: finding facts and reliable measures and reasoning forwards to the best explanatory models.
Instead, we fall prey to emotional appeals, attach ourselves to a model, and then seek “facts” to support what we have already decided, rejecting those that contradict it. We “reason” backwards, much to the delight of those who choose to manipulate our decisions through emotion.
Project MELD seeks to provide tools to help change this. It begins with education - the place where we learn to think and reason properly. By providing an engaging visual model that supports reasoning, argumentation and exploration across a wide variety of topics, we help teach the essential skills of forward reasoning.
Project MELD is temporarily hosted at until a permanent domain is linked. Contact if you have a desire to obtain an explorer code to access these features; currently access is restricted to instructors and researchers, while the features are being fleshed out.